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Global Albumin Usage in 2023 & Forecast to 2030

Global Albumin Usage in 2023 & Forecast to 2030

  an analysis of the GLOBAL albumin MARKET IN 2023 AND FORECAST TO THE YEAR 2030 Albumin is the second most important plasma protein by sales, after immunoglobulins, and is one of the two last liter products as it is made from which every plasma liter...

The Global Plasma Fractionation Landscape through 2032

The Global Plasma Fractionation Landscape through 2032

  Announcement THE GLOBAL PLASMA FRACTIONATION LANDSCAPE THROUGH 2032   The report entitled The Global Plasma Fractionation Landscape Through 2032 is now available. It updates our report completed over two years ago with a complete listing of all the...

Global Blood & Plasma Collection and Use — 2021/2022

Global Blood & Plasma Collection and Use — 2021/2022

 Announcement   The demand and need for more plasma has never been higher. Since 2020, the availability of plasma, and where it is located around the world, has become even more relevant than in previous years. Most plasma is collected in the United States,...

Plasma Fractionation: Benchmarking, Analysis & Trends 2023

Plasma Fractionation: Benchmarking, Analysis & Trends 2023

 The plasma industry is at a crossroads, with rising input costs but with revenues that struggle to cover them. While plasma acquisition costs play a large role in the overall expenditure incurred to produce plasma derived therapies, the manufacturing cost also...

IG Usage in 2021 and Forecast to 2030 in the United States

IG Usage in 2021 and Forecast to 2030 in the United States

  AN ANALYSIS OF THE 2021 United States INTRAVENOUS AND SUBCUTANEOUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN MARKET (IVIG & SCIG) AND FORECAST TO THE YEAR 2030 In recent years, the demand for IG has grown at >8% annually in the U.S. due to the addition of new patients treated, new...