Global Forecast of Hemophilia A and B Therapies by Product, Region and Company to 2030

The Global Forecast of the Hemophilia A and B Therapies by Region, Product Category and Company to 2030 is a quantitative projection of the sales of all the coagulation factor concentrates – plasma-derived and recombinant, standard and extended half-life and of non-factor products such as mAB, TFPIs, siRNA and gene therapy from 2020 to 2030. The forecast is in dollars and units (see sample hemophilia A sales table below).
To address a rapidly evolving hemophilia treatment environment, with a number of important new marketed therapies and more expected, the Marketing Research Bureau (MRB) has completed a global forecast of sales of all hemophilia therapies, in particular factors VIII and IX, by product category, region and company with a six-year time horizon.
This forecast model uses a compilation of hemophilia A and B product sales (including those of competing non-factor products) in some 95 countries covered by MRB in its regional and country reports. Assumptions used to forecast patient adoption, unit volume and pricing are based on actual MRB sales data, in depth analysis of other plasma-based and recombinant product uptake patterns, and MRB’s experience in monitoring and estimating major sales trends, new product adoption rates, product switching activity and pricing. Data included 10 interviews of HTCs in the US on expected uptake of various products in the US market.
This report supplies 2020-2023 historical results and forecasts 2024 through 2030 manufacturer-level hemophilia product sales in units, dollars and price per unit, on the basis of:
· Region: North America, Europe, Asia & Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa
· Factor VIII and IX products: plasma-derived, standard recombinant, EHL recombinant
· Non-factor products: Hemlibra, TFPIs, gene therapy and others, with six-year forecasts of patient uptake and annual treatment price
Two separate forecasts – one for hemophilia A therapies and a second for hemophilia B therapies – may be purchased separately.