The WorldWide Plasma Proteins Market 2023

This report has been regularly published since 1984 with the latest publication in December 2024, covering historical sales up through 2023. It compiles market data from over 100 countries in units, dollars, prices and market shares by company and by region for each of the therapeutic plasma and recombinant proteins listed below.
- Intravenous and Subcutaneous Immune Globulin (IVIG and SCIG)
- Hyperimmune Globulins: Hepatitis B, Rabies, Rho(D), Tetanus etc.
- Albumin
- Factor VIII and Factor IX (plasma-derived and recombinant, standard & Extended Half-Life along with non -factor hemophilia treatments),
- von Willebrand Factor Complex, Prothrombin Complex and rare coagulation factors
- Activated Prothrombin Complex and recombinant Factor VIIa (Bypassing agents) as well as Hemlibra
- Alpha-1 Antitrypsin
- Antithrombin III
- Fibrinogen, Fibrin Sealant,
- Protein C and other plasma proteins.
The data are broken down by region (Asia & Pacific, Latin America, Europe, Middle East & Africa, and North America) and by company. It provides historical data going back 9 years for an accurate picture of how each product and region has developed over time. The data is cross referenced by company, product and by region for the reader to see the evolution of where products are sold by protein and by company over time.
The report is delivered electronically (Excel and pdf files). Individual sections are available. For more information, please email us at for pricing or any questions.