Impact Of Gene Therapy On US Hemophilia Market to 2028


This forecast attempts to quantify the impact of gene therapy and other non-factor treatments will have on the US hemophilia market to 2028. It is based on in-depth interviews with hemophilia treatment centers and other hemophilia stakeholders along with a survey of over 200 US-based hemophilia patients. The report includes:

  • Uptake of gene therapy in hemophilia A and B across 8 different patient groups from market introduction in 2022 through 2028, including timing, patient populations and interest level across the various groups
  • Forecast of coagulation factor VIII and IX as well as novel non-factor treatments from 2018 to 2028, in dollars and units (factor VIII and IX) or patients (non-factor treatments),
  • Overview of the development of gene therapy for hemophilia A and B, which companies are likely to commercialize their product and the expected timing of launch
  • Background on the technologies used by various gene therapy companies and how they differ to one another as applied to hemophilia
  • Snapshot at patient and Treatment Centers’ expectations for gene therapy in hemophilia in early 2018


Table of Contents

List of Tables and Charts

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of the US 2018 IG Market

2. Methodology

2.1 Research Resources

2.2 Market Analysis

2.3 Forecasting the Period 2018 to 2025

2.4 Selection of Conditions

2.5 Co-morbidities

2.6 Average dosing

3. 2018 Market Analysis

3.1 Total IG Market – Volume and Growth 2012-2018

3.2 IVIG and SCIG Markets – Volume and Growth 2012-2018

3.2.1 Total IVIG and SCIG Markets

3.2.2 Volume and Market Share by Site of Care 2018

3.2.3 Volume and Market Share by Medical Specialty 2018

3.2.4 Volume and Market Share by Medical Condition 2018

3.2.5 Volume and Market Share by Average Annual Growth (CAGR) 2012-2018

3.2.6 Volume and Market Share by Contribution to Growth 2012-2018

3.3 Discussion of Key Medical Conditions in 2018

3.3.1 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (PID)

3.3.2 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)

3.3.3 Thrombocytopenia/ITP

3.3.4 Myasthenia gravis (Acute & Chronic)

3.3.5 Transplant

3.3.6 Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)

3.3.7 Encephalitis

3.3.8 Dermatomyositis & Polymyositis

3.3.9 Hematological Cancers (CLL, MM, Lymphoma)

3.3.10 Sepsis/Toxic Shock Syndrome

3.3.11 Dermatology

4. 2025 Forecast Methodology
5. 2025 Forecast Market Analysis

5.1 Total IG Market – Volume and Growth 2018-2025

5.2 By IVIG and SCIG Markets – Volume and Growth 2018-2025

5.2.1 Total IVIG and SCIG Markets

5.2.2 Volume and Market Share by Site of Care 2025

5.2.3 Volume and Market Share by Medical Specialty 2025

5.2.4 Volume and Market Share by Medical Condition 2025

5.2.5 Volume and Market Share by Annual Average Growth (CAGR) 2018-2025

5.2.6 Volume and Market Share by Contribution to Growth 2018-2025

5.3 Discussion of Key Medical Conditions in 2025

5.3.1 Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (PID)

5.3.2 CIDP

5.3.3 Thrombocytopenia/ITP

5.3.4 Myasthenia gravis (Acute & Chronic)

5.3.5 Transplant

5.3.6 Hematological Cancers (CLL, MM, Lymphoma)

5.3.7 Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)

5.3.8 Dermatomyositis & Polymyositis

5.3.9 Sepsis/Toxic Shock Syndrome

5.4 US IG Market by Value 2018 to 2025

6. Emerging Trends

6.1 New Indications

6.2 FcRns Competitor Therapy Overview

6.2.1 Mechanism of Action of FcRn Therapies

6.2.2 FcRn Clinical Trials and Potential FDA Approval Timelines

6.2.3 Diseases Under Investigation with FcRn Therapies

6.2.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of FcRn

6.3 Market Impact of FcRn on IG Demand

6.3.1 Impact of Argenx’ ARGX-113 on IG Demand

6.3.2 Impact of 4 Competitor FcRn Therapies on IG Demand

7. Appendix

7.1 Hospital/ outpatient care data

7.2 Sample of framework for physician interviews

7.3 List of the primary ICD codes included in the hospital/outpatient data