International Blood/Plasma News

INTERNATIONAL BLOOD/PLASMA NEWS is a leading industry publication that covers key news and highlights about the plasma and blood industry. Read by many in the industry, it has gained a dedicated following for its coverage of hard-to-find information and news about the industry. It is published monthly by:
Marketing Research Bureau
For more information on the newsletter and its contents or coverage, please visit our “Contact Us” page.
As of January 2020, the International Blood/Plasma News is moving to an electronic-only format, and all issues will delivered only by email as a PDF.
Want historical issues of the International Blood/Plasma News (IB/PN)?
We have back issues available (in PDF form) from August 1983 to the present (over 35 years). Useful for understanding contemporary views on major events in the global blood and plasma industry, including:
- Economic, social and technical issues,
- Price trends for plasma collection contracts and plasma products,
- Product history from initial development to market introduction,
- Company profiles, mergers and acquisitions,
- Research & Development,
- Patents related to blood and plasma products and processes, and more.
To order back issues (starting at $50 per issue), please submit a request through our “Contact Us” page specifying what years/months you would like or give us a call.
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The Marketing Research Bureau
Voice: (425) 502-6265