Global Forecast of Hemophilia Therapies by Product, Region and Company to 2025

The 2025 Global Forecast of the Hemophilia Care Markets by Region, Product Category and Company is a quantitative projection of the sales of all the coagulation factor concentrates – plasma-derived and recombinant, standard and extended half-life and of non-factor products such as mAB and gene therapy from 2016 to 2025. The forecast is in dollars and units (see sample table below).
The forecast model utilizes data on coagulation factor sales gathered in about seventy countries by the Marketing Research Bureau. The data include volume and prices, allowing measuring the adoption rate of new products and switching.
The forecast is provided as an Excel file featuring the market evolution in each of the years 2016 to 2025 in units price and dollar sales by company, region and product type. The forecast assumptions are provided in a text format sent along with the Excel file. By using an Excel format, the forecasts are interactive allowing clients to modify them using their own assumptions.
The forecast is updated every 2 years and was last updated in December 2020.