Global Blood & Plasma Collection and Use — 2021/2022

The demand and need for more plasma has never been higher. Since 2020, the availability of plasma, and where it is located around the world, has become even more relevant than in previous years. Most plasma is collected in the United States, but with the rising costs to collect and challenges to increase them in the current environment, understanding the opportunity for plasma outside of the United States has become even more important.
This report provides the customer with a global overview of blood collections as well as a comprehensive analysis of all the sources of plasma used for fractionation. This includes, on a worldwide level, plasma recovered from whole blood donations, as well as source plasma, by public/non-profit entities and by private/commercial companies.
In addition to data on plasma for fractionation, whole blood collections, data on the blood components separated from blood and used for transfusion are included where possible. When it is not used for transfusion, fresh frozen plasma (FFP) can be a source for more plasma for fractionation in some countries, provided that there are no regulatory or legal barriers. The amount of FFP is tracked in this report, when reporting is possible.
The data is based on an extensive survey conducted by the MRB in over 80 countries in 2022 and 2023. In addition to 2021 full year figures and some 2022 data points, the report provides historical data going back ten years, sometimes longer.
The following topics are included:
- Organization of Blood Transfusion Services,
- Data on blood & plasma collections, and some recovered and source plasma prices,
- Data on the processing of blood, components and plasma for transfusion.
The table of contents are enclosed below:
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Charts
Executive Summary (Pages 11-14)
Global Plasma for Fractionation Tables and Charts (Pages 15-55)
Plasma Collections by Country/Region from 2010 to 2021
Plasma Collections by Source vs. Recovered Plasma by Country by Year 2010 to 2021
Breakout of Commercial vs. Government/Non-Profit collections by Year 2010 to 2021
Blood Collections and Usage and Plasma Sent for Fractionation by Country (Pages 56-258)
North America (United States and Canada) (pages 56-70)
Latin America including Caribbean (17 countries) (pages 71-148)
Europe (31 countries) (pages 149-199)
Middle East & Africa (13 countries) (pages 200-231)
Asia & Pacific (14 countries) (pages 232-258)